
   Here are the different RC aircraft crash-egories. Click on a picture to go to the photo album.

 Yt61802Animation.gif  TOTAL CARNAGE  ( 47 photos ) Slappy's Hall of Shame. ( RC aircraft scrap pile )

 Crash_plane_into_car.jpg  AIRCRAFT vs. ???   (  7 photos ) This area is dedicated to aircraft smashing into; cars, buildings, etc...

   dsc_4661.jpg  HANGING OUT   (  3 photos ) This area is dedicated to those aircraft lost way up a tree, telephone pole,etc...

 UCanDoSwim2.jpg  WET CRASH   ( 11 photos ) Dedicated to aircraft that have been crashed in water.

 image MID AIR/LAND INCIDENT  ( 11 photos )  Dedicated to the lack of air traffic control.

 GeeBee_last_moments.jpg BEFORE IMPACT  ( 5 photos )  Great shoots of aircraft right before their destruction.

 yoshi_chew.gif  DOG GONE   ( 2 photos )  Man's best friend eats Man's favorite hobby.

 BeavisButthead-01-june.gif  NEED MORE ?   (coming soon) Here are other crashes that did not fit into the other categories.

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